Saturday, March 22, 2014

the night is darkest before the dawn

Welp, it's been a minute since I've written, but that's not anything new. You know I can't blog unless I'm supposed to be doing something else. Today, it's the yearbook. I'm in charge of making it this year and I can't work on it for another minute. Fortunately for you, my faithful readers, that means an update from Cambo. I will continue to annoy you with my declarations and shock of how fast the time is going by. March is almost over! Tomorrow is 10 weeks until I set foot on my beloved American soil, and I feel like it's going to be here in a blink of an eye. This is both good and not-so-good, you see. I am extremely excited to get myself back to Louisiana and begin a whole new adventure there, but I know I will leave a huge piece of my heart here in Cambobo. I've still got many days to go, so I'll save the sappy farewell post for later on. Trying to focus on the present and not get too ahead of myself. And now for some fun from earlier this year:

Symmetry lesson that turned out to be really fun!

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new AHIS campus! This is an exciting time for our little school and I can't wait to see the progress.

A very western and very clean shopping center opened up very (very sorry) close to our house, and that means we got a Brown Coffee just for us! It was an exciting day. 

For Chinese New Year, we went to a casino called Naga World and had British high tea. 

Definitely my favorite "things on motos" picture!

All of the AHIS staff at the groundbreaking

We spent a fun night out celebrating Becca's birthday, and it began with a little cardio at Olympic stadium. We were hoping to do an outdoor aerobics class there, but there was a soccer game happening. Still got some cool views of the city, though. 

Aaaaand I spotted a tennis match happening! This was exciting and sad at the same time. 

Wasn't sad for long, because we ended up going to the riverfront for aerobics and look! A little mini-tennis situation was happening. There were a couple of coaches out here teaching kids how to play, and after I stood awkwardly on the side for a minute, one of the coaches offered to hit with me. Thank you, sir, you just made my life complete. There were several spectators amused watching me play, and it was so great. I hadn't played tennis in months and I felt like my soul rejoiced. I can't wait to get back home and play all the time : )

Next, we ate dinner at a restaurant with grass on the table. 
The grass made me order hummus and veggies. 

Becca comes into my class every day and leads a group during Guided Reading, and all of my students love her and wanted to surprise her. This is also the most adorable picture I have of them!

Happiness all around!


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